Name Sym Prev Open High Low Last Trade Change Last Update
CORN  Dec 24 @C4Z 409'4 409'0 409'4 408'2 409'0 -0'4 12:11A Oct 22
CORN  Mar 25 @C5H 423'2 422'2 423'0 421'6 422'2 -1'0 11:54P Oct 21
CORN  May 25 @C5K 430'4 429'6 430'2 429'2 429'6 -0'6 12:04A Oct 22
CORN  Jul 25 @C5N 434'6 434'0 434'4 433'2 433'4 -1'2 10:45P Oct 21
CORN  Sep 25 @C5U 430'4 430'0 430'2 429'2 429'6 -0'6 10:38P Oct 21
CORN  Dec 25 @C5Z 437'2 436'0 437'0 436'0 436'4 -0'6 11:30P Oct 21
CORN  Mar 26 @C6H 448'0 447'2 447'4 447'0 447'2 -0'6 10:21P Oct 21
SOYBEANS  Nov 24 @S4X 981'0 980'4 983'2 977'0 977'4 -3'4 12:10A Oct 22
SOYBEANS  Jan 25 @S5F 989'6 989'0 991'6 987'0 987'4 -2'2 12:09A Oct 22
SOYBEANS  Mar 25 @S5H 1002'0 1002'0 1003'2 999'2 1000'2 -1'6 11:43P Oct 21
SOYBEANS  May 25 @S5K 1016'0 1015'4 1017'6 1013'0 1014'0 -2'0 11:41P Oct 21
SOYBEANS  Jul 25 @S5N 1028'2 1028'0 1029'2 1025'0 1025'6 -2'4 11:59P Oct 21
SOYBEANS  Aug 25 @S5Q 1029'4 1029'4 1031'0 1026'4 1027'0 -2'4 11:59P Oct 21
SOYBEANS  Sep 25 @S5U 1022'2 1022'2 1022'2 1019'2 1019'4 -2'6 9:58P Oct 21
HARD RED SPRING WHEA...  Dec 24 @MW4Z 614'0 614'0 614'2 609'4 610'0 -4'0 11:55P Oct 21
HARD RED SPRING WHEA...  Mar 25 @MW5H 636'0 635'6 636'2 631'6 632'0 -4'0 11:09P Oct 21
HARD RED SPRING WHEA...  May 25 @MW5K 647'4 646'2 646'2 644'2 644'2 -3'2 10:55P Oct 21
HARD RED SPRING WHEA...  Jul 25 @MW5N 652'4 654'2 654'2 652'0 652'0 -0'4 12:06A Oct 22
HARD RED SPRING WHEA...  Sep 25 @MW5U 656'6 659'2 659'2 659'0 659'0 2'2 12:06A Oct 22
HARD RED SPRING WHEA...  Dec 25 @MW5Z 673'2 678'0 -4'6 1:38P Oct 21
HARD RED SPRING WHEA...  Mar 26 @MW6H 679'0 704'6 -5'2 1:38P Oct 21
FEEDER CATTLE  Oct 24 @GF4V 248.325 248.500 248.525 247.300 247.525 - 0.750 1:04P Oct 21
FEEDER CATTLE  Nov 24 @GF4X 247.600 247.500 247.525 246.100 246.400 - 1.000 1:04P Oct 21
FEEDER CATTLE  Jan 25 @GF5F 245.500 245.500 245.600 243.925 244.050 - 1.250 1:04P Oct 21
FEEDER CATTLE  Mar 25 @GF5H 244.775 244.700 244.750 243.300 243.425 - 1.125 1:04P Oct 21
FEEDER CATTLE  Apr 25 @GF5J 246.275 246.475 246.475 244.725 245.050 - 1.050 1:04P Oct 21
FEEDER CATTLE  May 25 @GF5K 247.000 246.450 246.700 245.775 245.850 - 0.900 1:04P Oct 21
FEEDER CATTLE  Aug 25 @GF5Q 252.450 252.000 252.950 251.075 251.175 - 1.100 1:03P Oct 21
ETHANOL  Nov 24 @AC4X 2.161 2.161 1:16P Oct 21
ETHANOL  Dec 24 @AC4Z 2.161 2.161 1:16P Oct 21
ETHANOL  Jan 25 @AC5F 2.161 2.161 1:16P Oct 21

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Exchange:  CBOT
Last Trade:  408'6
Change:  -0'6
Bid:  408'6
Ask:  409'0
Today's High:  409'4
Today's Low:  408'2
Volume:  241,760
Open:  409'0
Settle:  409'4
Prev:  409'4
Contract High: 
Contract Low: 
Updated:  Oct-22-2024
Delay Time:  10 Minutes

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2024 Hard Red and Soft Red Winter Wheat Crop Quality Good Overall
Editorial Staff – 
Posted at Monday, October 21, 2024 10:39AM CDT
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